japa hapa in seoul

Friday, March 31, 2006

Lame photographer

My friends and I were asked to pose by my friend's pool for this lame photoshoot last summer. This is the best photo the lame photographer could come up with?! We looks like total dorks. And the quality of the photo sucks in the dorky little magazine it came out in. We didn't even get paid. Now everyone in my hometown has seen this picture. I am so embarrassed.


  • At 11:30 PM, Blogger kushibo said…

    I don't think these are so bad. No need to be embarrassed at all.

    You guys don't look like dorks; you look like three friends actually having fun. Too many pictures with professional models make the subjects look bitchy and unapproachable.

    Frankly, though, because of the sunglasses it's hard to tell which one is you. I'm assuming you're not the blonde.

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Melinda said…

    No, not the blonde. I'm in the middle. The other brown haired girl, the one who's not totally anorexic. Her waist in so small, but she eats only twice a day.

  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger kushibo said…

    I thought you were probably the one in the middle, but the one on the left was possible.

    The girl on the left does look sort of anorexic. There is such a thing as being too thin; many women in Korea approach that line or pass it (one of the things I will be studying after finishing my grad school stuff).


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