japa hapa in seoul

Monday, April 10, 2006

lazy blogger

I just realized that I haven't written anything in more than a week and so I'm a total lazy blogger. Last week was so busy. I didn't think it would be so hard to work at the institute but the hours are a killer. I have to be at work by 6:45 for my first class at 7am and then work until 11 o'clock. Then I have this HUGE break until 6pm and have 2 more classes. It wouldn't be so bad except for that Huge ass break. The students are so curious about me. They said I look like this half white and half korean singer, but I don't know who she is. If anyone can show me a picture of her, thanks! They say she's cute. I have been getting such creepy vibes from some of the male students in my classes. I teach adults, and mostly university students in the area. Some older 'salaryman'(whatever) in my classroom act like they've never been close to a woman before. I swear, they look at me like they would so jump me anytime. Like as if. And the university guys are no better. Everyone asks the same questions over and over again. It is getting old. I shouldn't answer them anymore. Friday night I wanted to go out to some clubs cause I've been hearing some good things, but i was so tired and had to go out to work with the people from work. More of the same questions that the students asked. Boring. Bald Canadian guy hit on me. As if! He gave me his number and told me to call him if I needed his help, day or night. The night part was the creepiest part unless you could see the near-leer in his eyes. So gross.


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