japa hapa in seoul

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Busy little girl

I am sorry I haven't posted much, and most of all sorry to my poker faggot friends, as I affectionately call them! I was in Tokyo for 5 days earlier last month. My great uncle passed away. Even though I didn't like him much(at all) I went to the funeral. He used to call me by this Japanese word that was basically the half-white nigger. In front of me. My mother would smile behind clinched teeth and bow. I needed a vacation and I wanted to celebrate his death. I hope the Japanese nowadays are not like MAKAGUCHI KENJI.
Min-ha made a new boyfriend and was excited to have a drink with he and me together. We didn't do anything overtly lesbian, but the vibe was there and the body language and facial expressions were not to be missed. Min-ha wants to surprise him some day soon.
I have been reading the weblog of this stupid boring bitch named Jodi. He blog is boring and self-important but her dickhead friends might sayit is enlightened and erudite. Erudike, more like it. http://asiapages.wordpress.com/ check it out. Oh, and don't forget to see the trashy "formal" dress she wore and the streetwalker make-up she has on. She took this ugly bald-headed Chinese soldier, who is in the US navy. I hope he is not looking at any classified material. LOL! So, she says she is not dating him but her "fuck me I'm dressed sluty"appearance says otherwise. I am sure that that dress and that make-up blended in well at a military "cotillion" (Oh fuck! LOL!!!), but it wouldn't go over well where I am from.


  • At 6:53 AM, Blogger slb159 said…

    Hope your strip poker game is improving.
    Don't forget about the M00kie tonight!

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Heavy Critters said…

    And please, PLEASE don't forget to min-raise your aces!

  • At 12:26 PM, Blogger gordsellar said…

    Aw, how pathetic.

    Don't be envious, just because Jodi can spell, and has an IQ higher than, oh, a bowl of soup.

    Her blog actually isn't boring... if you can understand all the big words.

  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger CarmenSinCity said…

    Melinda - you never cease to amaze me girl.

  • At 4:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love short women.

  • At 5:17 AM, Blogger Iakaris aka I.A.K. said…

    Gord you piece of shit - lay off my girl!

    Erudike is brilliant, baby. Wish I had thought of it Mel.

    Clearly I am a good influence on you.

    slb and P are right - play the Mookie!

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Heavy Critters said…

    OK, the "LOL!" is a clear sign that this is the work of a Poker Champ-type pseudo-genius.


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