Mel needs to relax
I've been soooo uptight lately, and feeling really catty. I wrote this post and then deleted it about this hidious looking woman who has this snooty blog where she thinks she is better than anyone. You should see this post she ran attacking this director who made a film about English teachers in Korea. She disagreed with him that English teachers were experiencing the real Korea. Oh! Like she experiences the real Korea. Anywho, I deleted the post because I felt that it was a little bit too much. I mean, I still hate the creature, but I'll let it go. One of the korean workers got fired on Monday. He is late for work more times than he is on-time and he has been repeatedly asked not to smoke in the hallways, there is no ventilation there. So, Mr. Nakamura fired him first thing Monday morning. He wanted to argue his way back into his job, but Mr. Nak wouldnt have any of it. Mr. Nak called security as soon as the Korean guy raised his voice and that cute young guard came up and took him away. We packed his shit up in boxes and Mr.Nak asked that a delivery service take the stuff to the poor bastard's apartment. I thought that was so cool. Mr. Nak is so stoic. Anyway, what have my poker faggots been up to? Hehe!
Korean Stalker
So, this Korean guy follows me off the subway yesterday. And he is following me down the street and pretending to send messages on his phone, but I am sure he was taking pictures of my ass. I walk the long(and crowded) way to work and he is still about 10 meters back. This guy follows me into the lobby of my building. So as I am walking to the elevator, I hear the security guard ask my stalker what he wants. Our firm own the building and as it is a financial institution the security is a little tighter than normal. The security guys at our building are not the usual old man watching security cameras(sleeping). They are young, tough-looking trained security personnel. I turn back and walk over to where they are. The stalker says nothing really, only stutters and seems embarrassed. So I tell the security guard that he was following me and talking picture of my ass with camera. The security guy looked angry and said something like...Phone....Pictures...Police. I guessed what he said. Stalker gives him the camera and this pervert has the phone LOADED with pictures of women. Maybe we should have called the police because he might start doing crazier stuff to women later. But the security guy just deleted the pictures of me and sent him away after I got his business card, just in case. Creep.
Busy little girl
I am sorry I haven't posted much, and most of all sorry to my poker faggot friends, as I affectionately call them! I was in Tokyo for 5 days earlier last month. My great uncle passed away. Even though I didn't like him much(at all) I went to the funeral. He used to call me by this Japanese word that was basically the half-white nigger. In front of me. My mother would smile behind clinched teeth and bow. I needed a vacation and I wanted to celebrate his death. I hope the Japanese nowadays are not like MAKAGUCHI KENJI. Min-ha made a new boyfriend and was excited to have a drink with he and me together. We didn't do anything overtly lesbian, but the vibe was there and the body language and facial expressions were not to be missed. Min-ha wants to surprise him some day soon.I have been reading the weblog of this stupid boring bitch named Jodi. He blog is boring and self-important but her dickhead friends might sayit is enlightened and erudite. Erudike, more like it. check it out. Oh, and don't forget to see the trashy "formal" dress she wore and the streetwalker make-up she has on. She took this ugly bald-headed Chinese soldier, who is in the US navy. I hope he is not looking at any classified material. LOL! So, she says she is not dating him but her "fuck me I'm dressed sluty"appearance says otherwise. I am sure that that dress and that make-up blended in well at a military "cotillion" (Oh fuck! LOL!!!), but it wouldn't go over well where I am from.