japa hapa in seoul

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I want to quit my job

I hate this place with a passion. I have no friends here. The other teachers are dorks and nerds. The students are creepy. The administration treats me live they own me or something. I am not going to take any of their bull. They tell me what to do like I am in the army or something. The apartment is cute, but the furnishings are so old and the washingmachine is pink. It looks like a Mattel toy or something. And in the spin cycle, it doesnt spin quick enough to get the water out of the clothes so I have to wring the clothes out by hand. They sent this little man over to fix it. he couldnt speak English at all. he kept looking at everything in my apartment like he wanted to take notes. He saw this tank top I had hanging next to the window and he kept staring at it. He was gross. The other teachers just go drinking and talk about Koreans are like this and Koreans are like that. I'd like to make up my own mind, thank you. Geeks. No possible way to befriend any of them. And this stident complained about me because she said i was bored in class. She said I looked at the clock a couple of times so I must be bored. Whatever. I have to manage the classroom time. Time for lesson warm-up then lesson then review. What a bitch. I want to quit that job. It's not like I don't still have money. I dont need this job or be homeless. i wish someone could recommend a website or maybe if someone know of a good job. Anyone?!

Friday, April 21, 2006

kinda sad

What is it with me? It is not like me to be this way. Lately I have been crying at the drop of a freaking hat. This is not like me. Normally I only cry when I'm really mad, or watch a sad movie. But now it's like I'm not me anymore. I don't get it. I wonder if it is just stress and being totally exhausted. Tonight as I sat in the middle of my living room and just cried and cried, I felt like I was in a really really bad movie. I had this almost outer body experience as I looked down at myself and shook my head and said "Get a grip of youerself girl!".

Thursday, April 13, 2006

lookalikes? No.

Someone compared me this this girl, Deanna Kim. Loser. Oh, yes, we both have brown hair and brown eyes, so we look alike, right? No. I do not look anything like her, but she is so hot. I must have downloaded 20 pictures of her, at least. I think she is a singer. Oh, and the picture of me at the pool, guess if that's a man or a woman with me?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Chat with Melinda!

Ok everyone. Let's see how this goes! From 12 to 1 monday through friday you can chat with yours truly on yahoo messenger.

oh_my_melinda @yahoo.com

Let's see if that works without the wierdos showing up.

lazy blogger

I just realized that I haven't written anything in more than a week and so I'm a total lazy blogger. Last week was so busy. I didn't think it would be so hard to work at the institute but the hours are a killer. I have to be at work by 6:45 for my first class at 7am and then work until 11 o'clock. Then I have this HUGE break until 6pm and have 2 more classes. It wouldn't be so bad except for that Huge ass break. The students are so curious about me. They said I look like this half white and half korean singer, but I don't know who she is. If anyone can show me a picture of her, thanks! They say she's cute. I have been getting such creepy vibes from some of the male students in my classes. I teach adults, and mostly university students in the area. Some older 'salaryman'(whatever) in my classroom act like they've never been close to a woman before. I swear, they look at me like they would so jump me anytime. Like as if. And the university guys are no better. Everyone asks the same questions over and over again. It is getting old. I shouldn't answer them anymore. Friday night I wanted to go out to some clubs cause I've been hearing some good things, but i was so tired and had to go out to work with the people from work. More of the same questions that the students asked. Boring. Bald Canadian guy hit on me. As if! He gave me his number and told me to call him if I needed his help, day or night. The night part was the creepiest part unless you could see the near-leer in his eyes. So gross.